Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Wayback Wednesday - My Favorite Summer Movies - Gidget

From now until September, I thought I would highlight some of my favorite classic movies that were set in summer, and I'm going to begin with one of my favorites, Gidget*.

I was first introduced to Sandra Dee as a young girl, originally through the movie If a Man Answers (another favorite I'll discuss some other time). I enjoyed her so much in that role that I began searching out every movie she starred in.

Back then I watched most of my favorite old movies on Turner Classic Movies or AMC, which is where I first remember watching Gidget*. 

Based on a novel by Frederick Kohner, Gidget: The Little Girl with Big Ideas*, the movie was released on April 10, 1959. It was so popular that some consider this film as the beginning of the entire beach party genre of films. It inspired several sequals, a television series starring Sally Field, and more than one made for television movie.

Gidget highlights one summer in the life of Francis Lawrence, a young seventeen year old girl who finds that her playful, tomboyish ways no longer fits with her girlfriends who have moved on to "man hunts". While the girls do everything they can to catch the attention of the local beach boys, it's sweet innocent Francis who ends up stealing the show. When Francis shows an interest in learning to surf, the guys quickly nickname her Gidget, part girl, part midget. And while it takes a little work and determination, she quickly masters the board and becomes one of the "boys", eventually winning the heart of Moondoggie, who asks her to wear his pin. It's a sweet, innocent movie, that sends the message that the best way to make friends (and maybe win a boy's heart), is to simply be yourself!

Following the original movie there were a number of sequels, a few released in theaters and a few more on television.

Released in 1961 and starring Deborah Walley as Gidget

Released in 1963 with Gidget portrayed by Cindy Carol 

These three films inspired the TV series, Gidget, starring Sally Field, which is one of my favorite adaptations, but sadly did not do well in the ratings and only lasted one season.

Then, beginning in 1969, there were a few made for television movies, including;

Gidget Grows Up  which starred Karen Valentine in the title role.

followed by, 

Gidget Gets Married in 1972 when Monie Ellis was featured.

and finally . . .

Gidget's Summer Reunion released in 1985 with Caryn Richman in the final role of the pint sized surfer.

Last summer Amazon Prime featured all of the movies as part of their subscription plan, but they no longer appear to be available. And while you can pick up the first three movies in the series relatively cheap (if you buy a good used copy), I did manage to find them available free online, should you want to watch them.

Gidget on Tubi
Gidget Goes Hawaiian on Tubi
Gidget Goes to Rome on You Tube

Gidget (TV Series) on Tubi

Gidget Grows Up will be available on Tubi beginning August 1, along with . . .

and finally, you can watch Gidget's Summer Reunion in two parts on Daily Motion,

Of the series, my favorites are the original, the TV series, Gidget Grows Up and and Gidget Gets Married. Gidget Goes Hawaiian is cute, too, I'm just not a big fan of Deborah Walley and found her far too different from Sandra Dee.

Oddly enough, James Darren portrays Moon Doggie in the first three movies, along side three different actresses!  Apparently they wanted Sandra Dee to reprise the role, but by then she was under contract to Universal Studios and filming the Tammy series of movies (another of my absolute favorites that we'll discuss soon), and they would not release her. Deborah Walley did not reprise the role in Gidget Goes to Rome due to pregnancy.

There are also a number of other inconsistencies in the films as well, most notably that in the first three movies Gidget has a mother, but the role was dropped with the television series and the first two made for television movies. In Gidget Goes to Rome, Gidget's father is portrayed by Don Porter, who I absolutely adored! He went on to reprise the role in the TV series. Lynette Winter also portrays LaRue, Gidget's best friend in the TV Series, another character I adored, as well.

If you've never watched the Gidget movies, I highly recommend me. I've already mentioned my favorites, but if you've never watched them I would definitely start at the beginning and just work your way through. The acting is a bit campy, especially in the made for television movies, but I personally like the nostalgia. If you are familiar with these movies or decide to watch them, let me know which ones are your favorite!

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Monday, July 22, 2024

The Nicest and Sweetest Days

"I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful happens, but just those that bring simple pleasures, following one another softly like pearls slippiing off a string."



Saturday, July 20, 2024

Small Things - 07.20.24

"Life is not, for most of us, a pageant of splendor, but is made up of many small things, rather like an old fashioned piecework quilt. No two people have the same, but we all have our own, whether it be listening to Beethoven's fifth with a beloved friend, or seeing a neighbor at the back door with a basket of white dahlias. Or after a long, hard day, having the family say, "That was a good supper."


In no particular order, here are six things that inspired me this week

Ophelia Wilde has some of the most beautiful playlists. I especially love listening to them while I'm reading.

2. I just recently discovered Roxanna's blog, A Quaint Life.  I have several recipes bookmarked that I want to try, like this Homemade Limoncello, Sicilian Potato Salad and Garlic Focaccia Bread. I plan on spending more time perusing her offerings. You should, too! You can also find her on You Tube!

3.  I just love Claire! I first discovered her on Instagram, but more recently have spent some time sifting through the wealth of information and resources she has available at her blog, Becoming Traditional, including this Ultimate Pantry List

4. I bookmarked this recipes for Chocolate Ginger Cookies this week! I'm adding it to my Christmas baking list.

5. I've been making what my grandmother referred to as Preacher Cookies for years now, but these Peanut Butter No Bake Cookies look delicious! I might have to give them a try!

I came across these seasonal verses this week and I just love them.  I think I'm going to type them up and keep them in my Bible.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Retro Rewind - .01

I had so much fun reminiscing in my Wayback Wednesday post last week, that I decided to expand on that idea with Retro Rewind! While I love talking about old movies and sitcoms from the 60's and 70's, there is so much more from that era that I think would be fun to discuss, like memories of some of my favorite foods and snacks, my favorite toys, restaurants and trends. If you didn't grow up in the late 60's and 70's, perhaps your parents or grandparent's did and you'll learn a little about what life was like for them. And if you did grow up in that era, I hope these posts will take you on a little trap down memory lane. So, let's jump right in, shall we?

Pillsbury's Funny Face Drink Mix
As a child I absolutely loved Funny Face Drink Mix. My personal favorite was Goofy Grape, but I also liked Freckle Face Strawberry and Choo Choo Cherry. I recall liking Kool Aid, as well, but I was drawn to the cute characters of the Funny Face drinks. Do you remember Funny Face Drink Mix, and if so, what was your favorite flavor? 

Here's a link to a commercial from the 1960's.

Kresge's Dime Store
I have so many fond memories of Friday evenings with my family, which often found us at Richland Plaza Mall (now owned by the local school district). We would often eat dinner at Pancho's Mexican Buffet, which had the best refriend beans I have ever tasted, and the sopapilla's, oh my! And then after dinner we would usually walk over to one of my favorite stores, Kresge's Dime Store. In my memories of that time I got .50 a week for allowance, which in a 5-10 store went pretty far. It wasn't until I was an adult that I discovered that Kresge's went on to become K-Mart, which oddly, I never cared for as much. The store we shopped was in a mall, so there wouldn't have been a stop light on the corner, but I do recall the storefront looking very much like the one in this image. 

School House Rock
Aw, School House Rock! Who would have believed that watching a simple cartoon short in the early years of my childhood would help me ace my senior government final, but it's true. A few of my favorites were Unpack Your Adjectives, Conjunction Junction and Lolly, Lolly, Lolly Get Your Adverbs Here (can you tell I loved English Grammar?). And then there was the one that helped me ace my exam, The Preamble of The Constitution

There's a playlist on You Tube that claims to have all the videos, I didn't peruse it too closely so I'm not sure if they are all included, or not, but there are a number of them.  And if you love School House Rock you can purchase them on DVD from Amazon. (ASSOCIATE LINK).

And with that, I think I'll wrap this first edition up! I hope you've enjoyed reminiscing with me! If you had a favorite store from your childhood or a favorite School House Rock song, I'd love to hear! Share in the comments! 

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