As we are embarking on a read-along this year of the complete Betsy Tacy series, I thought it might be fun to provide you with some resources I've come across over the years related to the books. I read these with my youngest daughter when we were homeschooling, and I often looked for such things to enhance the experience. With that, I thought perhaps you might enjoy some of them as well.
Several of these resources I found at The Betsy Tacy Society Website, and they also have a You Tube Channel with some lovely videos you might find interesting. They have a Facebook page, as well.
Maud Hart Lovelace - A bit about the author of this series.
Something fun I found at their website are guides to Deep Valley, whether you are staying for a day, a weekend or a week (a dream of mine!). I thought it might be fun just to look up the sites listed online and go on kind of a virtual visit. Maybe during our reading I'll type up a different post and follow the links to all the places and we'll go on a virtual visit together. But, if you don't want to wait for me, by all means look the places up for yourself and get a feel for the setting of the Betsy Tacy books.
A Betsy Tib Tour of Milwaukee - this is a tour by one of the members of the Betsy Tacy Society that you might enjoy.
Make Your Own Betsy Tacy Bookmarks - just something fun!
Betsy Tacy's Deep Valley - this is an entire blog with ten years worth of posts dedicated to all things Betsy Tacy. I plan to reference it often as we read the series, but it is definitely worth perusing for yourself!
The Betsy Tacy Encyclopedia - Another blog dedicated to Betsy Tacy. Though there doesn't seem to be as much here, you might find something of interest.
A review of the series from The Literary Ladies Guide.
Article about the real homes featured in the books from The National Trust for Historic Preservation.
That is all that I have for now, though I do hope to re-visit a few of these sites as we read through the series and point out interesting facts and tidbits to enhance our reading. Hopefully you found something here to spark your interest!
Before I close I did want to let you know that I made a link to all posts related to our read-along that you can find in my right side bar. Just look directly under the graphic/link for the originial post about how to join the read-along and you'll see it! That way it keeps everthing nice and neat in one place and hopefully easy to navigate!
Have a wondeful day, my friends! I plan to sit back and enjoy the snow and the chili for tonight's dinner is already made! :)