Monday, December 30, 2024
Planning Ideas and Resources For The New Year
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
The Twelve Days of Christmas - God With Us
The 3 French hens are Faith, Hope, and Charity, the theological virtues.
The 4 Calling Birds are the four gospels and/or the four evangelists.
The 5 Golden Rings are the first five books of the Old Testament.
The 6 Geese A-laying are the six days of creation.
The 7 Swans A-swimming are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven sacraments.
The 8 Maids A-milking are the eight beatitudes.
The 9 Ladies Dancing are the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit.
The 10 Lords A-leaping are the ten commandments.
The 11 Pipers Piping are the eleven faithful apostles.
The 12 Drummers Drumming are the twelve points of doctrine in the Apostle’s Creed.
Monday, December 23, 2024
Merry & Bright - Day 5
Saturday, December 21, 2024
The Beauty and Wisdom of Winter
When we look to nature as our teacher, we see that she’s reflecting back to us a prolonged opportunity to hibernate and renew. Arriving with the shortest day of the year on the winter solstice, December 21 (June 21 in the southern hemisphere), winter slowly grows brighter from this day on as the sun’s presence gradually beams stronger and stronger until its apex on the next summer solstice.
Hanukkah, Advent, Christmas, and Kwanza, along with many other holidays and rituals, celebrate the return of this light. We’re reminded to connect with the sun within us, which is the bright potential of our souls, even amid the darkness and the holiday frenzy. We also celebrate New Year’s, a call to reflect on the past, appreciate the present, and dream about our future.
This truly is the time of year to go inside and ripen in our womanly wisdom before stepping out into the world again. Use the darkness all around you to explore your inner world. There you will find that flame inside of you that can never be extinguished. You can only make this descent when you commit to stillness, solitude, and deep soul-searching. You must become quiet, less social, more introverted, and–despite the negative connotations in most cultures–lazy. Just as fields need to remain fallow at times for their soil to stay fertile, we need to leave our innermost beings barren of new projects, adventures, and activities.”
If we don’t take time each year for deep rest, then authentic healing, rejuvenation, wisdom, and softening are not possible. It takes so much energy to burst forth into the world and to birth something new. This winter, treat yourself like a pregnant mama. Rest, nurture yourself, rebuild your vital life force, and prepare for the coming of new life. And if you don’t live in an area with a pronounced winter season, you need to be more disciplined about getting quiet. This is also an opportunity to listen to the subtler rhythms of nature. Yet while nature’s saying one thing, society’s saying another.“
Friday, December 20, 2024
Merry & Bright - Day 4
Good morning, and welcome to Day #4 of MERRY & BRIGHT!
This tin was actually the inspiration for this series, odd, right? I saw it at Dollar Tree (and I hope when I go back this week they still have it!). I didn't need it (I have quite the collection), but I thought the lid was so pretty that I took a picture of it. Then a few days ago while scrolling through my phone, I came across it and the idea for this series was sparked and I set out immediately to make the header and I do think it favors the design! But now, of course, since I built an entire series around it I HAVE to have it, and seriously, we're talking $1.25, so hopefully there hasn't been a run on cookie tins over the past few days, but you never know. They had this little pink one that caught my eye, too, and I might just come home with both. Just sayin'. It's the little things, you know?And speaking of little things . . .
"There's so much beauty in the smaller things in life: the way you show up for yourself, the books you read, the moments you cherish, the content you consume, the protecting of your energy, the people you share life with, the glimmers you notice, the moments of grounding, the "you-time" you take, the healing you embrace, the words you speak, the kindness you show others. Beauty lies here."
@h.e.l.e.n.m.a.r.i.e - she has some really good content!
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Merry & Bright - Day 3
Aren't these little Santa mugs festive?, and I love the way they have them displayed. My mother had a collection of these, which I passed on to my Aunt. I loved them and I did keep one, but I knew that to display them would take up quite a bit of space and I have so many other decorations I was afraid I wouldn't be able to display it all. I do love them though, and I treasure the one I kept and display it in a special place each year (see picture below for this year's placement.)
This one was my favorite, and it originally had just a little paint left in a few places. Over the years the paint chipped off more and more until finally last year I gently washed it and worked it all off. I like the solid cream color, especially since so many of my other decorations are so colorful. It think it adds a nice touch, and it makes my mom feel close during the holidays. I have a few other Santa mugs in my own collection, but they are more, I suppose "cutesy" would be the best way to describe them, though they will be vintage one day, too. I actually tried to down size some of my decorations one year but my daughter loudly objected! :) It seems she does want all of the decorations from her childhood, so now I just have a box for the things we want to keep but not necessarily display each year.❈
In a large bowl, combine the first secon ingredients. In a small bowl, beat the brown sugar and egg yolk until fluffy. Add the buttermilk, molasses and butter. Stir into dry ingredients just until combined.
Quickly spoon onto a preheated waffle iron that's been sprayed with non-stick cooking spray.
Bake until golden brown on both sides. Sprinkle with confectioner's sugar, if desired.
This playlist on You Tube gives you a full four hours of timeless Christmas Classics
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Merry & Bright - Day 2

Celebrating the Solstice - Part 2
This year I plan to make a solstice lantern, and **maybe** I can even entice Kate to join in the fun! I came across this idea several years ago, and since then have come across so many lovely ideas. There are several feast days in the Liturgical that feature "light", and lanterns are prominent in those celebrations. So it seems only fitting that making a lantern for the return of the light is fitting.
1-2 pounds of pork, roast or loin
4 medium carrots, cut into 1/4-inch slices (2 cups)
2 medium stalks celery, chopped (1 cup)
1 medium potato, peeled and cubed
1 medium onion, chopped (1/2 cup)
4 cups chopped cabbage (about 1 medium head)
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
4 cups water
1 teaspoon crushed red pepper (you can use less if you don't like it too spicy!)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
4 chicken bouillon cubes
1 can (28 ounces) crushed tomatoes, undrained
Mix all ingredients in 3 1/2- to 6-quart slow cooker. Cover and cook on low heat setting 8 to 9 hours (or high heat setting 4 to 5 hours) or until pork and vegetables are tender.
And now onto the books!
BOOKS FOR CHILDREN (AND ADULTS, TOO!) (All links to Amazon are non-affiliate, this post is offered as a gift!)
by Jean Craighead George
This little book is my absolute all time favorite for sharing with children on this day. But who am I kidding? I read it again on the winter solstice every year, and probably will again and again!
I am going to share two passages from this book with you that illustrate why I love this particular one so much! Among other things is that it is presented as a letter between a grandmother and her granddaughter, a sweet sentiment that makes the read all the more lovely!
Oh my! I don't know if these words move you as they move me, but they just thrill me! Perhaps it is grounded in my love of the changing of the seasons, or memories of my own grandmother, though I don't recall her ever writing me a single letter! But I think at the heart of it, it is the kind of grandmother I hope to be. Sharing snippets of my day, things I observed in nature, quotes and passages from books, with my own grandchildren, even in letters! They may find it fun when they are young, or leave the letters unopened in their teens, perhaps. But I do hope they will keep them, and that one day, when they are older, they will be able to return to those sweet sentiments and meet with me again, even after I am gone. I don't mean to sound glum, I really think the idea is lovely. I know I love having things that once belonged my grandmother, and if I had personal letters, that would be all the sweeter!
But now, before I forget, here are a few other books we've enjoyed over the years, all of which are lovely to share with the littles in your life, or even for yourself! I know for me, I will never grow too old to enjoy a beautifully illustrated picture book!
The Return of the Light: Twelve Tales From Around The World For The Winter Solstice
by De Capo Press
The following titles do not focus on the solstice, but make lovely reads on this day.
The Story of the Snow Children
by Sibylle von Olfers
The Tomten
by Astrid Lindgren
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Merry & Bright - Day #1