In no particular order, here are six small things that inspired me this week.
You probably need to be a fan of horseradish to appreciate this recipe, but thankfully I am, so I'm going to give it a try!
As I am beginning to rework my household schedules (today), this came at a good time!
Visiting the Lake District and Italy is my dream! I'm not sure if I'll ever get there, but until then, I'll enjoy all the virtual tours I can find. What is your dream destination?
I may have shared this before, but as there are resources for each season I thought I would share it again. If you're like me, you might be beginning to think ahead to Autumn! If so, there are some wonderful readings to prepare your heart for this season. But if you're not quite ready to let go of summer (I'll be hanging on to these longer days for as long as they last!), you'll find thoughts and resources on summer, as well!
6. Fermented Honey Garlic - How to make your own!
I've been making small batches of this for several years new, and it has proven to be effective at helping to fight off colds, sinus stuffiness/infections from allergies, and the flu. And it's so easy! I made up our first batch for the season just this week and I'm already seeing the tiny bubbles begin to appear! The older I get the more inclined I am toward FARMACY instead of pharmacy!
I hope you have a lovely weekend, friends!
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